Design of Experiment (DOE)

 Hey guys, its been such a long time since my last upload but welcome back 😼😼. Today, I will be sharing with you my experiences while doing Design of Experiment (DOE) as well as cover a case study on "Microwaved Popcorn yield" πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹. In the case study I will documenting how I applied "FULL FACTORIAL" and "FRACTIONAL FACTORIAL".

Case Study

What could be simpler than making microwave popcorn? Unfortunately, as everyone who has ever made popcorn knows, it's nearly impossible to get every kernel of corn to pop. Often a considerable number of inedible "bullets" (un-popped kernels) remain at the bottom of the bag. What cuases this loss of popcorn yield? In this case study, three factors were identified: 
  1.  Diameter of bowls to contain the corn, 10cm and 15cm 
  2. Microwaving time, 4 minutes and 6 minutes
  3. Power setting of microwave, 75% and 100% 
Low (-)High  (+)

8 runs were performed with 100 grams of corn used in every experiments and the measured variable is the amount of "bullets" formed in grams and data collected are shown below: 

Factor A = Diameter 
Factor B = Microwaving Time
Factor C = Power

Full factorial Analysis

1. Inputting data into the excel sheet 

2. Using data to plot the graph 

Factor A = Diameter 
Factor B = Microwaving Time
Factor C = Power

From the data available, we can infer that:
  • When the diameter of the bowls to contain the corn increases from 10cm to 15cm, the mass of "bullets" decreases fro 1.94g to 1.79g
  • When the microwaving time increases from 4mins to 6mins, the mass of "bullets" decreases from 2.19g to 1.54g
  • When the power setting of microwave increases from 75% to 100%, the mass of  "bullets" decreases from 2.99g to 0.74g
By comparing the steepness of each line, we can infer that:


Factor A = Diameter 
Factor B = Microwaving Time

From the data available, we can infer that:
  • The gradient of both lines are different. The gradient for Low B is positive (+) while the gradient for High B is negative (-). Hence, there is a significant interaction between factor A and B.

Factor A = Diameter 
Factor C = Power

From the data available, we can infer that:
  • The gradient of both lines are slightly different. The gradient for Low C and High C are both negative (-). Hence, there is little interaction between factor A and C.


Factor B = Microwaving Time
Factor C = Power

From the data available, we can infer that:
  • The gradient of both lines are different. The gradient for Low C and High C are both negative (-). Hence, there is interaction between factor A and C.
In conclusion, the best settings to achieve the highest decreases in mass of the bullet is:
  1.  Diameter of bowls to contain the corn = 15cm (+)
  2. Microwaving time = 6 minutes (+)
  3. Power setting of microwave = 100% (+) 
This will help to decrease the mass of popcorn bullets to 0.32 grams as stated in our data. This data might be inaccurate as some of our data were based on the last two digits of our admin number

Link to Excel file: Topic7-3 DOE CPDD template for data analysis.xlsx

Fractional Factorial Analysis 

1. Using data from only runs 2,3,5,8

2. Using the data to plot the graph 

Factor A = Diameter 
Factor B = Microwaving Time
Factor C = Power

From the data available, we can infer that:
  • When the diameter of the bowls to contain the corn increases from 10cm to 15cm, the mass of "bullets" increases from 1.84g to 2.13g
  • When the microwaving time increases from 4mins to 6mins, the mass of "bullets" decreases from 2.32g to 1.63g
  • When the power setting of microwave increases from 75% to 100%, the mass of  "bullets" decreases from 3.44g to 0.53g

In conclusion, the best settings to achieve the highest decreases in mass of the bullet based on the fraction factorial analysis is:
  1.  Diameter of bowls to contain the corn = 10cm (-)
  2. Microwaving time = 6 minutes (+)
  3. Power setting of microwave = 100% (+) 
This will help to decrease the mass of popcorn bullets to 0.94 grams based our data. This data might be inaccurate as some of our data were based on the last two digits of our admin number. This data also does not make sense as a smaller bowl would mean that the popcorn bullets will have lesser space to expand to its final state. 

Link to Excel file: Topic7-3 DOE CPDD template for data analysis.xlsx

Learning Reflection

type your personal learning reflection on this deisng of experiment learning experiences in the tutorial 

Through the lesson taught by Mr Chua on Design Of Experiment (DOE) I learnt many new things. Firstly, I learnt the purpose of learning DOE which utilises statistics to evaluate data. When there is alot of factors included in the experiment that could affect the outcome of the experiment it often becomes confusing to evaluate our data and trends.By using DOE we also can tell which factors are more significant in affecting the experiment. The relationship of varying a particular data can also be predicting using DOE. 

The formula:
is used to calculate the number of possible runs with different factor settings such as "HIGH" and "LOW". The data is then plotted into a full factorial design table. 

As there are alot of combinations of factor settings, we were taught how to narrow down into fractional factorial design table. The purpose is to be more efficient as well as conserve resources. 
Afterwards, there was a Mr Chua showed and guided us on how to use the excel template to plot graphs which is needed to be included in our prepractical for DOE practical. 

During the practical session, one of my teammate Aminur had already prepared the table the night before and we smoohtly carried out our experiment and recorded our data. We were extremely quick as all of our team members were very proactive and participative in helping the group complete our experiement, and we even had time to spare and start on our report. The second part of the practical was a group challenge where we had to hit down 4 targets which were our lecturers in DCHE πŸ˜…πŸ˜…. I was tasked to carry out the challenge as I was the one who used the cataplut during our practical session and I even managed to hit down all four targets. 
Overall, I really enjoyed doing this practical as it was both fun and very informative. Our lecturer Mr Chua also emphasised DOE will be needed in our capstoen project as we will be needed to test out our design. This important lesson was taught to us a fun and engaging manner which I will certainly remmeber. 
